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My description of the gallery sections and their contents:
* CURRENT EXHIBITION - current individual show. Invited artists that I know of or making themselves known to me, presenting a collection of their art. Also with a presentation of the artist, with facts of how to reach him/her.
* COLLECTION - collection of art images, submitted by people around the world. A continuous collective exhibition, with refreshed material every month or so.
* EXPERIMENTS - where different kinds of media can meet, coincide or cooperate. Like graphics-sound/music, animation-sound/music, sound-text or interactive processes etc. Things that move beyond the ordinary "viewer looking at a picture" position.
* PHOTO ALBUM - with documentary photographs from Gestalt events around the world; conferences, meetings, portraits, presentations etc.
* COMMENTS - e-mail comments will be published continually, if you don't indicate that your words must not be publically exposed.

Concerning submission:
IMAGES - photocopies of artwork or photos that are pieces of art themselves can be sent by snailmail to Lars Berg Egenart, Plogvägen 21, SE-646 34 Gnesta, Sweden.
I will then scan them and make them ready for digital publication.
Send no originals! I wont be able to return your material.
You can, of course, also send graphic files by e-mail - but, please, make them smaller than 100 kb. They should actually not be bigger than 50 kb to download in reasonable time in a web browser. Save your images as either Jpeg or Gif files - then I know I can handle them.

Questions, ideas, feedback etc can be sent to